Monday, October 12, 2009

the many changes of life...

Hello friends! As many of you have noticed, I have taken quite a lengthy hiatus from my duties as The Blog Boss :) What I gather from the emails and phone calls I have received is that you are all extremely understanding of how crazy life (especially ours) can be sometimes. I do, however, apologize for not sharing information about my mom as I can tell it sends many of her close friends into a state of worry and concern.
There have definitely been some large changes since we last spoke (blogged). After my mom finished her third round of this miserable chemotherapy she has been receiving for the past three months or so, she finally had a scan to determine the effectiveness of this particular cocktail. Unfortunately, we were informed shortly after the scan that this chemotherapy did not do what we had hoped, and we are now looking around and doing research regarding a few other treatment options. 
The good news is that there is another chemotherapy cocktail that she may try, and it is my understanding that there are also some clinical trials that look hopeful to her oncologist as well! I believe that she may be starting one of the clinical trials (a non chemo treatment) in the next week or so, and although it will still have chemo-like side effects, it will hopefully give her a brief respite from the horrible way she has felt (physically) over the past three months. 
I wish I had more to tell you at this time, and I know you all care so much. Your love and prayers and endless positive energy are so much a part of what keep us moving forward, keep us smiling, and keep us all united in a way only Ariel could do! 
Additionally, some of her ongoing pain over the last three or four months has been due to what we now are told is a large stomach ulcer. After waiting a month and a half to get in and have an endoscopy, the prognosis is a simple, but fairly excruciating ulcer and treatment will be a daily pill and the avoidance of most acidic and spicy foods for awhile until it heals or she is no longer in pain. Although it was difficult to be patient while she sat there in pain and we had no answers, it is a silver lining that they were able to identify this as an ulcer and immediately prescribe her a medication that should offer some much needed relief. 
Also, many of you have so graciously offered up your time and  your ears, as well as continuously asked what it is specifically that you could do to help out! Seeing as how we all are very aware of the fact that my mom loves the kitchen, cooking, and being the foodie that she is, I have been thinking that now would be a great time to stop by with dinner sometime. This would really be of assistance to my mom as well as my family, and would give us more time to spend together at night. I know I for one would appreciate being able to come home after work on occasion, and instead of planning, shopping, and cooking dinner, I could just hang out with my mom, help her in anyway that I can, and enjoy all of the precious time we have together. I'm certain that Shelley and Dave would agree:) 
As always, thank you so much for everything that you do for us, especially for my mom, and I will do my best to keep you informed as I learn more. Please, please feel free to call me on my cell phone anytime at 858-414-9750 or email me at my personal email at Also, if stopping by with dinner sounds like something you would be interested in doing, I would be happy to talk and let you know a good night, maybe give you some food ideas if you are feeling unsure about what she would like to eat.  I want you to know that you are not being invasive or bothering us by sharing your thoughts and concerns, or calling to ask questions. I am always happy and willing to share with you what I know, and I appreciate knowing your love for my mom grows as much as mine does. I just returned from Yosemite late last night and am going to spend some quality time with my mama, so adios for now. 

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Welcome...the littlest Lyon!

It was a typical Saturday, and we were on our way to the beach. Must to our dismay, it was overcast and chilly. Out of the blue, my mom suggested that we go check out the dogs at Helen Woodward Animal Shelter. We have been thinking about getting a new dog for a while now, but just haven't found the perfect one yet...until yesterday!!! Bailey is so mellow, so adorable, loving, cuddly, and of course, kept me up the entire night howling her little puppy howl. 
We are all completely in love already, and can't wait to experience life with Bailey in it! I know that my mom  is thrilled to have a household companion to become her new BFF! I can tell you this much, I'm pretty sure she is sick of me by now haha! We will definitely keep you posted on Bailey, and my mom of course. (She is feeling ok today, feeling the love of the puppy of course...but definitely tired and not looking forward to another chemo treatment on Thursday. She will need some positive energy for sure during the long day of chemo and then her nasty shot on Friday...) Have a wonderful Sunday everyone...we love you, and Bailey loves you too:)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The company we keep...

Throughout my life I've been told (and reminded) that the friends you surround yourself with are a reflection upon you...well if this is true, then my mom sure is one hell of a woman! (as if I didn't already know). I was just sitting here thinking about the many ways in which people have expressed their love, concern, support, etc. I can only dream that if I were to switch shoes with my mom, that I would have as many wonderful, warm, and consistently kind-hearted friends.
Something else I have observed is that these friends have been here all along, not just when she was well, or just when she was sick...but always, just because! So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for embracing this situation as my family has been forced to, and for welcoming us into your hearts and homes when we need it the most.
If you haven't had a chance to stop by, or even if you already have, my mom would love to see you. I think she might be going a little bit stir crazy:) Give us a call anytime, if my mom doesn't pick up, feel free to try my phone as well. These days I am her party planner so to speak! It is always great to see you, if not for a long visit, than a quick "pop in and say hello." Your company is valued and does wonders for her soul and fighting spirit. See you soon!



Sunday, August 30, 2009

Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.

It seems these days that my mom is never allowed to enjoy herself without reaping the awful consequences that come with the expenditure of the minimal amount of energy she has. Today she awoke feeling pretty terrible, one of the worse days yet, and boy...if I am feeling this frustrated with her pain level, I can't even imagine what it must feel like to be her. She is just so strong in so many ways...this cancer is like a layered, multifaceted, schizophrenic beast that never lays down to take a nap or hop on a plane to go on vacation. 
On a more positive note, my mom had a wonderful weekend full of family, new and old friends alike, and even...drum role please...THE GYM! On Friday night my boyfriend, Mark and I decided to help my parents celebrate their 33rd wedding anniversary by making them a delicious dinner of flank steak smothered in home made bbq sauce, sauteed spinach and broccoli in olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and lemon zest, and some roasted sweet potato and yam medallions with a simple salt, pepper, and olive oil dressing. It was a night full of good food and laughter, (my moms two favorite things) and a perfect mellow way to start the weekend.
Saturday and Sunday were just as enjoyable, with the gym on Sunday morning and a bridal shower in the afternoon. She has expressed numerous times how much fun she had seeing her friends and being able to get out for the afternoon looking all dolled up. 
Thank you to everyone who has been a constant support system for me and my family...we truly feel so blessed and loved by families and loved ones from the west coast all the way to the east! We love you...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Crazy Eights!

My mom and I are sitting here laughing about how long it takes us sometimes to think of a blog title! :) My dad, mom, and sister just finished playing a very long round of Crazy Eights, and my dad is the reigning champ!
The week thus far has been filled with a myriad of ups and downs... throwing up and laughter, school days and home daze, working together and finding our own place, sleeping and smiling, making and canceling plans, air conditioning and skully caps, a few tears here and there, and some good old fashioned family hugs. 
Ariel got a wonderful hour long full body massage today as well, and we are all thrilled that she seems to be settling more comfortably into her role as a stay at home, professional "rester"... I know it is hard for her but she is doing a wonderful job and finally letting us help her along the way as she heals. 
With so much love in our house it is hard to believe that there could be a bad day for anyone, but this dang cancer just doesn't seem to take a rest. It is just not fair!!!
We just wanted to say hello on this Tuesday evening to all of our beloved friends out there. The last few days have seemed so busy that we thought it certainly had to be Thursday or Friday. Oh we go to conquer Hump day, and enjoy the Wednesday before her second chemo treatment. 

Good night

Ali and Ariel

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A new 'do! Wait...false alarm...

Today my mom woke up and decided to finally take the leap and call our go to hair dresser and close family friend was time to shave the hair off and pull out the wig collection!!! However, once my mom, my aunt, and myself were seated in the salon and all of us singing our hearts out to a new country cd I had made, Donna began to snip away. What we found out, much to our surprise, was that Ariel's hair was still slightly in tact, and she opted for a shorter do instead of going all out with the buzz. Maybe in a week or two, maybe not. 
We also met Shelley at the Encinitas flea market and shopped around for a bit, buying some gorgeous jewelry and enjoying the sunshine and fresh air on the coast. This afternoon merged into this evening and Polly's family came over for dinner, which is just finishing up at the moment. I was sitting at the dinner table looking at my mom, watching her sit back and take in her surroundings, looking at her family in a way I've never seen her do before. 
She seems a bit more quiet, observant, careful and thoughtful, and did a great job eating her very delicious corn and grilled shrimp. Since I have become mother Ali, I am constantly checking to see if she can eat just "one more bite," fill up her glass of sparkling water or vitamin water "one more time." I'm certain at this point my nagging is almost unbearable, but it all comes from a place of love. 
I would say all in all my mom is really trying to take it easy. She has begun to come around (for the most part) and accept the fact that staying home and relaxed is the absolute, very best thing for right now. She must heal, and as this next chemo treatment comes around on Thursday, we pray the healing will begin to kick into high gear. The more harsh the chemo treatment, the more often she receives it, the more quickly her new tumors will supposedly begin to shrink and she can enjoy living a more pain free life. 
It is interesting how my perspective changes as I see my family and my daily life through the eyes of my mom. I can feel her compassion, hear her strength, sense her positive attitude, and only attempt to emulate her courage. Mom, we love you. Thank you for spending the day with your sister and your daughters, we certainly cherish every single moment spent together, whether we are shopping, bickering, laughing, crying, listening, gossiping like a bunch of old hens, or singing at the top of our lungs to the latest country music. 
I look forward to another wonderful, happy and healthy day tomorrow...and to all of you out there, your comments on the last blog were overwhelmingly kind and heartfelt. Every day that passes is made better due to the expressions from your hearts. Thank you again.

